Tuesday, May 28, 2013

News from Newton Grove

We’ve spent the day getting settled, and checking out our space and place. We made it with plenty of time before Father Tony’s 12 pm service started, and the place was packed with members of the greater community. A small group of us (the FOOD team!) went to Walmart and got (gulp) 5 large grocery carts full of food, as well as a new backboard, rim and goal for the Ministry’s basketball goal. The kids worked together with other locals to get the basketball goal up and then proceeded to spend a ton of time using it. They also invented a game that looks a lot like vertical four-square- where they toss a ball through the giant openings on either side of the shaded cover where we eat and relax. There’s been a lot of kids who have been commenting on how lovely it is here- and there’s been soccer, sharks and minnows, invented games, violin practices with a sing-along, playground climbing, and all around good teamwork so far! Big dinner of spaghetti, dessert of animal cookies.

There are so many activities on deck for tomorrow- with one special ‘holiday’ gift of sleeping in until 8 am! Otherwise the rest of the week is up at 6:00, breakfast (and pack-your-own-lunches) at 6:30! Tomorrow we will sort the incredibly amount of donated clothes and toiletries, and Victoria (Senior CFSer, Dani’s mom) is going to come help us to make over 150 Tamales to eat for lunch with Horchata, that we will deliver Tuesday night to a couple camps. At 4 pm tomorrow, the local youth soccer team will meet us here at the ministry to play a game of soccer! We’ll let you know who wins that game…We will begin our Head Start and other service work in more earnest on Tuesday morning. I’m off now to go to a Meeting for business and then a Meeting for Worship. The sunset today, and beautiful weather was a gracious welcome, and I do think that we area all beginning to feel some ownership of the space and our intentions. Thanks for giving us the chance to experience it with your child! More to come, for sure.  Good night!

 Sunset at Newton Grove...

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