Thursday, March 21, 2013

Visitors to the Upper School 3.21.13

We have welcomed 2 amazing visitors to the Upper School today! I am hurriedly sharing this news with you as a reminder of our panel discussion tonight on Girls and Education in Afghanistan: Facing Challenges and Sustaining Hope. This panel is being sponsored by the Afghan Sister Schools Program and the PSA. I hope you are able to attend at 6:45 in the Meeting Hall.

 You may recognize in this picture Ann Frank who is second from the left. Also in this picture is one of our speakers today, Barbara Rodbell, a childhood friend of Ann's and a Holocaust survivor.
Barbara's father was German and her mother was Dutch. They moved from Berlin to Amsterdam when Nazi atrocities were worsening. Barbara's boyfriend (she was around 17) got false identity papers for the whole family, but her parents and her younger sister did not go into hiding as Barbara did. They all died in Auchwitz; her grandmother died at Bergen-Belsen. Her family lived a block away from the Frank family and she and her sister were friends with Ann and Margot. She has an amazing story and is a very spunky 80+ year old. It was such an honor to have her come to CFS
 We had a huge lunchtime crowd made up of Upper and Middle School staff and students along with some parents who were able to join us.
 Barbara Rodbell shares her story.
 We had time for questions from the audience, all of whom were quite moved.
 Immediately following Barbara's talk, Philip welcomed Fahima Vorgetts to his Comparative Government class. Fahima is the founder of the Afghan Women's Fund and one of tonight's speakers. She was in the Upper School today along with Marybeth Dugan of the Afghan Sister Schools Partnership Program.
Fahima will be speaking tonight along with Abdullah Antelpi, Muslim Chaplain and Adjunct Faculty of Islamic Studies at Duke and Hassina Sherjan, Founder of Aid Afghanistan for Education. I hope you can make it tonight!

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