Friday, February 22, 2008

Week of February 25, 2008

I almost put a picture of a palm tree on this week's blog as I am leaving for Florida this afternoon to visit my mother and step father. As I sit here, looking at the rain and knowing the temperature is hovering around 32 degrees, I can't wait to get on that plane. I haven't seen my mom in over a year, so I'm looking forward to a great visit. They will want to feed me, feed me, feed me. They are picking me up at the airport at 8pm tonight and taking me straight to a restaurant! I will return Monday evening and will be back at school on Tuesday, just in time for the onslaught of activities.

Tuesday night is our parent forum on Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll. We will begin at 7pm for 30 minutes of social time. At 7:30, we will have a presentation from school parent and psychiatrist, Mindy Oshrain, about drug use and the adolescent brain. This will be followed by plenty of time for questions and discussion. I know that drug use among teens is of great concern to our staff and parents. In the Upper School, we constantly grapple with the quest of finding the best, most successful drug education program. I hope to see you on Tuesday night.

Got dinner plans for Wednesday? FATHER TONY IS COMING! The photo that I am trying to get on this blog post was taken last year in Newton Grove. Father Tony has his hands held high in celebration following a rousing game of soccer between our students and the farmworkers. He will be at CFS on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. We have planned a potluck for US families on Wednesday at 6pm in the Meeting Hall. Freshman parents are especially encouraged to attend. You can meet Father Tony, hear about the Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry, and get a great idea of the work your children will be doing during our End-of-Year Program. Father Tony is one of those unique people that, if we are lucky, we meet once in our lives. All families are welcome to be a part of this potluck dinner and evening.

On Saturday, CFS students and community members will be walking through Chapel Hill and Carrboro to raise money for a school in sudan. Valentino Achek Deng was one of the thousands of Lost Boys who walked across Sudan in the mid-80's to escape Arab militias. Susan's Immigration students have read the account of his life (What is the What by Dave Eggers) and feel inspired by both the story of Valentino's immigration to the United States and his commitment to improving life in his native Sudan. We invite others to join us on Saturday and welcome this opportunity to raise awareness about the immigrant experience. Meet at Whole Foods in Chapel Hill at 10am Saturday. We'll be marching to Weaver Street Market.

The US CABARET is our one community-wide fundraiser of the year. We will have a talent-filled evening showcasing students, staff members and parents. (Watch for a certain mother & son duet!) Proceeds from the Cabaret will directly support community service aspects of this year's End-of-Year Program: building materials for the village of La Isla, El Salvador; assistance to an AIDS orphanage in Trinidad; building materials for Habitat for Humanity in Trinidad; and supplies for an elementary school in Costa Rica. The CABARET is a family-friendly event, and all CFS families, friends, and alum families are welcome to attend. See you in the Center.

We have a lot going on in the life of the US, this week. I hope you will be able to join us for some...or all of it.

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