Friday, May 24, 2013

News from Trinidad 5.24.13

 I am sharing email messages from (Spanish teacher) Shan to the Trinidad parents:

We've had a busy and industrious series of days doing service at our two sites.  So far, we've painted a 3 bedroom house, inside and out, and, at the orphanage, painted 4 rooms, built and painted several sets of shelves, and mildly refurbished some appliances.  Your children are amazing workers! Uncomplaining and cooperative.  (The tiny sign above is written on the wall in the orphanage.)

They have also all spoken about how much they value the interactions they're having with the people here--our hosts and their wonderful family (who are still feeding us very well); the orphans, who are equally enthralled by them; the small family whose home we painted.  Yesterday, my group had the opportunity to play some street soccer with the neighborhood boys, and today's played cricket.

Tomorrow and Saturday we're taking some well-earned break time and heading to the Caribbean beach, then hiking to some falls, finally doing some "turtleing"--watching turtles lay eggs at night.Finally, there have been many and varied card games, driveway soccer, rain hikes, and much laughter and conversation. Everyone is doing well.
As I publish this blog on Friday morning, the Northern Roots group is loading up and heading to Virginia. Their first stop will be the Navy ship yard. The Newton Grove staff just left for Newton Grove in a bus filled with donated clothing for the farmworkers and non-perishable food for 40 freshmen!

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