I took a chance and included lots of pictures of the prom in this blog. I tried to get them in chronological order, but the blog has a mind of its own. I am hoping that they haven't appeared on top of one another on your computer. You should be able to see the morning decorating time, with girls hanging fabric, and Ken and Bryce building arches. Then you can see the lighted arches to welcome our prom participants. I have included a shot of some very handsome young men, and one of the prom in full swing. You may have heard that John Dee Holeman couldn't be found, so we missed an hour of his playing. We did fill that hour, however, with more dancing! I am trying to include some prom advisee group shots.
On Monday, we will enter the final week of the spring term. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are working on registering for fall term classes. We are doing our best to deal with scheduling problems as they arise. We are already on class schedule #2, which is printed on blue paper. Freshmen parents should be hearing about the new Global Citizen (GC) credits for sophomores. All sophomores must take one GC Capstone class in 7th period. They also need to take at least one LA or SS which counts as a GC credit each term. (All of this is clearly explained on a sheet of paper, which I will email to you.) It actually sounds more complicated than it is. All advisors have been informed, and our Foundations teachers have been explaining this process and answering questions in class.
Many classes will begin review sessions this week in preparation for final exams. The final exam schedule is posted around the US, so students should already know when their exams are being given. DEAR PARENTS: This is a great time of year to start checking in closets and under beds for textbooks, sports uniforms, and other materials belonging to the school. We will very much appreciate your helping us to save money by reminding your child to return school equipment to us. THANK YOU!!
Parents of seniors, you should be receiving notifications about the graduation party and senior photographs. If you haven't heard anything, please contact Diane Robertson ASAP. REMEMBER GROCERY SCRIP. You are all invited to check the new interactive school calendar on the website. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
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