It is the last day of classes, and I'm having a great time walking around with my camera. I have captured teachers teaching (on the last day!), students studying and scrambling to write that last paper, and I stopped in Elise's office to check out her HIV and Ethics projects. Hopefully, these pictures have not ended all on top of one another. The skull done in charcoal is by senior JiEun Lee. It is the first page of an entire, amazing book that she created. The map of the United States is by Ben Harris. The number of people in the world living with HIV is 3.2 million, the same number as the entire population of the states colored in red. I didn't get a picture of Samantha Strom singing the song that she wrote about AIDS. She was accompanied on the guitar by sister Hannah.
I also want to point out one of the teachers above--senior Virginia Thomas. Virginia has been working as a teacher's aid in Dave's math 100/110 class all year, which is a freshman class. She has taught classes and assisted students in that class. Dave can't say enough about Virginia's contributions to his class. According to Dave, she gives a clear message to the younger students: It's cool to be a good student. Thank you, Virginia!
Next week will be both quiet and busy, depending on the time of day. Monday is our Reading Day. Students only need to be here when they have a meeting or a review session. We will begin the day with End-of-Year group meetings. Final exams will be given Tuesday-Thursday. The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday (5/13)
9-11am Class presentations (Gay History, Advanced Bio)
1-3pm Science exams (Bio, Chem, Physics, Adv. Chem)
Wednesday (5/14)
9-11am Foreign Language exams (All Spanish and French)
1-3pm US History exam
Thursday (5/15)
9-11am Math exams (Geometry, Pre-calculus, Stats)
1-3 Make-up exams
Just a reminder that the school store has not been re-stocked and will be selling out of whatever they have left. There are no pizza lunches next week. Students will need to bring a bag lunch or find a junior/senior friend who is going off campus for food.
It's hard to believe that we are at this time of year...last day of classes, final exams, and End-of-Year experiences just around the corner. PLEASE HELP US OUT BY FINDING BOOKS THAT BELONG TO THE SCHOOL AND UNIFORMS. THANK YOU AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
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