Sibs Hannah and Abe are volunteering at the Obama 2012 Campaign office in Chapel Hill. Hannah is doing some phone banking and taking care of other administrative duties, but she is mostly doing data entry, keeping track of all the voters in the area who have been called, and those who have not. Abe is doing a little bit of everything, including voter registration, out in neighborhoods, and in other high foot-traffic areas. Of note: gone are the days of land-line phone connections... all (or most of) the phoning is done via cell phone!
Celeste is doing her internship at Parizade Restaurant. So far she has spent time working in the salad prep section, in the dessert section, and has learned how to operate the espresso machine. Celeste says that she is learning a TON, and is extremely pleased with her experience! She plans to pursue her interest in the culinary arts this summer at a culinary camp, and sees herself having a career in the field.
Savannah is doing her internship at Pennies for Change. She's working a lot with the clothing section, sorting and displaying clothes by color and design. She finds this internship to be ideal: she loves thrift and consignment shops; she's learning about fashion and design (which is where her career path is taking her), and she's working for an important cause - PFC provides clothing vouchers for battered women, and with other proceeds they provide financial support in order to help these women transition back into mainstream life.

Sorry that Kyle's photo is sideways. I just can't seem to get it to right itself! Kyle is working at Weinstein Friedlein Architects in Carrboro. This is
the firm that is doing the current set of renovations and additions to
the CFS campus. Kyle is getting to actually do work on these CFS
projects, so it's something that he can really relate to and see an
immediate benefit from (see CFS plans in the background). Kyle is
working under the supervision of Mary Englund, CFS grad, who found her
passion in Design and Architecture.

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