Friday, May 4, 2012

Week of April 30-May 4, 2012

 Here is a shot of the freshman class before they left for Newton Grove on Wednesday. In preparation for their Newton Grove experience, which will begin in earnest on May 27th, the group drove to the Farmworkers Episcopal Ministry to meet Father Tony, see where they will be living for 10 days, drop off clothing, and play some soccer on Father Tony's field. Staff members who will supervise this trip include Susan Kincaid (former US teacher), Jon, Amelia, and Tommy Johnson from the MS.
 Anthony and I were lucky enough to judge a cooking contest today. Jon's Geography class held an ethical and ethnic cooking contest. As you can see, the food was quite tasty. The winning group had made their tortillas from scratch and offered a well-balanced meal for a family of 4.

 Here, you can see Josh stirring the cream sauce for the homemade linguini that his group prepared. Yum!
 Students paid close attention to making food from scratch and buying in bulk, so as to cut down on packaging.
Our QSA (Queer Straight Alliance) is sponsoring an US conference on Inclusivity Tuesday afternoon. For one of the workshops, they need wheelchairs and walkers. If you happen to have either a wheelchair or a walker that you might loan the US for Tuesday afternoon, please let me know. In order to give you a better idea of their purpose for this conference, I am including the mission statement they have written:

The purpose of this "Inclusivity Conference" is to reflect on CFS and its environment as we near the end of the year. We want to create a safe space where everyone feels free to express themselves. Regardless of whether you have thought about these topics a lot or very little, we ask everyone to be courteous and respectful of every person's opinions. Today we've set up workshops, some discussion based, others more like lectures. So find where you're headed. Go and engage with peers and staff. Speak your mind; but make sure to listen. Learn from your own and others' experience and let's work on inclusivity together. 

All of our teams are still playing! As I write this blog, the baseball, soccer, and tennis teams all have matches. Both the baseball and tennis teams won close matches early in the week. Our Ultimate Frisbee team came in 2nd in the state! I hope to get some photos to share in my next blog. We are so proud of our athletes and grateful for a healthy and lively sports program!

Just a reminder about the week of May 14-18. Here is what it will look like:

1st period
8:45 – 10:30
4th period
8:45 – 10:30
Session 1
9 – 11:30
Session 1
9 – 11:30
Staff work day
2nd period
10:45 – 12:30
5th period
10:45 – 12:30
11:30 – 12:30
11:30 – 12:30
3rd period
1:15 – 3:00
6th period
1:15 – 3:00
Session 2
12:30 – 3:00
Session 2
12:30 – 3:00
 All students are expected to be in school May 14-17. They will be signing up for mini-sessions next week.


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