Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week of January 31, 2011

We have had a wonderful week in the Upper School...busy, as always. Above, you can see the Senior Seminar class at their overnight at Hyco Lake. They stayed up late into the night reviewing and discussing the philosophy that they have learned in preparation for their oral defense hearings that will begin soon. Sadly, I don't have a photo of our Lithuanian visitors returning from their visit to Washington, DC. They happened to arrive along with 6 new inches of snow. As you can imagine, the capitol was beautiful! Below, you can see some shots of student projects from Amelia's clay and sculpture classes. Their assignment was to research a contemporary issue and create a sculpture with recycled materials. This display is set up in the Meeting Hall.

We have planned an impromptu potluck dinner in honor of our Lithuanian guests, Monday at 6pm in the Meeting Hall. All are welcome. Please bring a dish to share and plates and utensils for your family, if possible. We will have extras available.

All are warmly invited to this Thursday's opening reception (2:45-3:45) of an exhibition of photographs of a CFS MS family premiered at Duke's Center for Documentary Studies last summer. If you can't attend the reception (which will be attended by the family), please stop by at the Center at another time and view these powerful images. This family is now hosting our own visiting Ethiopian student, Helen, with whom we have fallen deeply in love!

Be part of the Galapagos Extravaganza this coming Friday from 7-9pm in the US Meeting Hall! This fundraiser supports the service component of our End-of-Year trip to the Galapagos Islands this May. For $10 a person, enjoy an Ecuadorian and Latin buffet diner, music by US student band Old 86, an auction of art and student services, and a talk by UNC marine biologist and LS parent John Bruno. This group has worked throughout the school year to raise money for this amazing experience. We hope you can join us for this fun, family event.

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