I thought you might like to see the line for Bagels last week. Over 100 (out of 150) students were happy to have their bagels on Tuesday.

Here are more artistic summer reading projects by students. I doubt that I can get their names to match with the proper art work. This beautiful college work was created by Will Godwin (Ordinary Man), Alison Footman (Shogun), and Shauna Pointer (The Yearling).

We will be sharingnews about off-campus offerings for our End-of-Year program with students on Monday. We are very excited about the service projects and outdoor challenges that this year's experiences have to offer. (Trinidad, Nicaragua, Galapagos Islands, West trip, and Adirondacks) For the sixth year in a row, the freshman class will travel to Newton Grove to work with Father Tony and the Migrant Farmworker Episcopal Ministry. Freshman families will hear more about this service experience in the coming months. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors have the opportunity to participate in two off-campus experiences. For their third year, they can plan an internship or join a local service project. EOY sign-up forms are due on Monday, September 27th and must be signed by a parent. Scholarships are available AND we encourage our students to find ways (Babysitting? Yard work?) to make a financial contribution to the cost of their experience.
The entire Upper School community will travel to Washington, DC, on Friday, September 24th. This week, students will sign up for their morning museum visits. Advisee groups will make their own plans for lunch and afternoon activities. Busses will leave the CFS campus at 5:30am and return by midnight. The cost to cover transportation is $45/student. Scholarships are available. Students may bring a bag lunch/dinner or money to cover both of these meals. Lunch will take place in one of the museum cafeterias, and dinner will be at the food court at Union Station.
The Episcopal Farmworker Ministry will host its 20th Annual Farmworker Festival on Sunday, September 19th, from 1-7pm. Susan plans to take a CFS bus with interested students. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend this wonderful festival. We arrive in time for church at 11:30am. There will be live music, free food, pony rides and a petting zoo for children, and an exciting soccer tournament. The address of the ministry is 2989 Easy St., next to the health clinic in Newton Grove.
We had a great first meeting of Quaker N'Oats last Thursday. We could use a few more male voices! We will meet at 8am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our first performance will be at the Upper School Back to School Night on October 7th. More to come about this magical musical group.
Have a great week. Enjoy this beautiful fall weather.
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