As you know, last Wednesday afternoon was Staff Development time for our staff members. Our focus for the day was Technology. Here you can see Amelia getting acquainted with her newly donated large color printer. She is looking forward to being able to print students' digital photography.

Tim, Frances, and Dylan enjoyed a lesson in Robotics with Sharon, our Director of Technology. They played with Lego robots by programming movements into their computers and seeing what they could get their robots to do.
Other staff members created websites and wikis. Some worked on film editing. Our foreign language teachers were able to research intractive websites and textbooks. All in all, this staff development afternoon allowed our staff the time they often don't have to move forward in a variety of areas.

On Tuesday, we honored our four seniors on the soccer team, Shane, Tony, Aydin, and Tyson.

Happy students are Skyping a friend who was at home following his surgery. While waiting for his return to school, teachers were able to use Skype so that our home-bound student could "attend" his classes. Very cool!

On Tuesday, we honored our four seniors on the soccer team, Shane, Tony, Aydin, and Tyson.

Happy students are Skyping a friend who was at home following his surgery. While waiting for his return to school, teachers were able to use Skype so that our home-bound student could "attend" his classes. Very cool!
On Tuesday, Patrick Cook Deegan will address our community. In 2006, Patrick cycled 2,800 miles across Laos, Cambodia, and Burma to raise $22,500 to build a school in Laos with scholarships for girls. Patrick is an engaging young man who travels to schools in the US to share his story. We look forward to his return to CFS. For more information about Patrick, please go to his website at www.cycleforschools.com.
Just a reminder to senior parents about our potluck on Monday, from 6-8pm, in the Meeting Hall. Elise and Carrie will join you for conversation. Bring any questions/concerns that relate to being a parent of a senior.
In preparation for parent conferences, on Wednesday (staff workday) staff members will participate in a Round Robin when they will each meet with every other staff member to share news about students with their advisors. Conferences will be held on Thursday and Friday. Upper School staff members are looking forward to meeting with the parents of their advisees. Parents are encouraged to come to these conferences with any questions or concerns they may have about their children.
Have a great week. The fall colors are beginning to appear in our area. Acorns are falling like rain onto our house from our giant pin oak tree. Enjoy!
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