The class of 2009 surprised us with a medieval castle, complete with king and queen, guards in armor, a damsel in distress (locked in a tower), and a beggar. As the mother of a 2005 CFS grad, it's hard to say this, but there was general agreement that this "prank" was the most delightfully creative of all! When we arrived at school, we entered a fantasy world with little vignettes being acted out in various locations. Everyone had a great time until the bell tower (made mostly of cardboard) toppled onto Xin's head, resulting in 5 stitches. Xin is fine, and the seniors did a masterful job of building, sharing, and then cleaning up their wonderful castle. Thank you! Amazingly, our staff and students were able to enjoy this delightful surprise between 8:00 and 8:45, at which time they headed off to class. The rest of the day was business as usual.

With no time for a break, we are in the midst of a quick turn-around, from the Celebration of the Arts, to the senior castle, to The Arabian Nights. You see here photos of The Arabian Nights coming to life, slowly but surely. Madeline, Jamilah, Jeron, and Tasha are hard at work building palm trees, arches, and turrets. The Prom is Saturday night, from 9-1, in the Meeting Hall. CFS grad Jmar Watson will provide the music. Willy and some of the kids have rented some wild lights. Just a reminder that all school rules apply during the Prom. Once students have arrived, they may not leave and return. When they leave, they leave for good. We hope that everybody can come--either in groups, with a date, or alone--and have a great time.

I am happy to say that the week ahead looks to be quiet. (Knock on wood!) As we enter the final week of classes, students will be busy reviewing for final exams, writing papers, making presentations, and completing take-home exams. We expect to see everybody on Reading Day, Monday, May 11th. After that, students need to be at school only when they have an exam. There will be plenty of quiet study areas available during that time. We began registering for fall classes today, and registration will continue until Exam Week.
Last night at the Celebration of the Arts, many of our students shared their beautiful poetry at the open microphone. I was hoping to get some of them to share with you today, but the day got away from me. Instead, I will tell you about a wonderful Rock N' Roll "Fanzine" that has been created by junior Shane Burbage. Contributors include staff members Guillermo and Bryce, and students Shane, Spencer, Sam R, and Larkin. This Fanzine is a delightful collection of essays and personal thoughts about rock n roll favorites. Congratulations to Shane and his contributors on this creative endeavor!
Have a great weekend...and please hold us all in the light as we dance the night away at Prom.
ps Hi Alison!
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