Welcome to the beautiful month of March. As the saying goes, March comes in like a lion--very true this year, as we await possible snow and ice! The group shots above were taken of the Varsity basketball teams on the afternoon before their State Tournament games. As you can see, these were candid shots taken on the spur of the moment, so we were missing a couple of players. I included a photo of Miles and Chris performing to remind everyone of our big Cabaret that is coming up this Saturday night at 7:30. You can see a shot of Yearbook Editor Susannah and Yearbook staff member Esther working on the final stages of the Yearbook. Yearbooks will be going on sale very soon. The last picture is of junior Sarah Nydick Cheshire who just won a regional Scholastic Art and Writing Award from the Alliance for Young Artists for 2 poems and a piece of journalism. Sarah will now be entered into the national competition. Good luck, Sarah!
As mentioned, our annual Cabaret will be held Saturday night at 7:30 in the Center. We have lots of wonderful talent lined up for this 2-hour, family-friendly show. Our talent comes from US students, staff, family members, and alums. Drinks and desserts will be on sale. If you would like to donate baked goods, please contact Frances at fbrindle@cfsnc.org. The US Cabaret is our one community-wide fundraiser to raise money for our End of Year service projects. We hope you can join us for this great evening.
The theme for this gathering is Coming Together as a Community/Parenting Teenagers at CFS. Parents will meet in the Meeting Hall on Tuesday night at 7:00. (Refreshments from 7:00-7:30, Meeting from 7:30-9:00) The discussion will be facilitated by Mindy Oshrain, MD. Mindy is a freshman parent and a psychiatrist who works with adolescents.
This Seminar for Academic Achievement is sponsored by the Academic Success Program for Students with LD/ADHD, a learning center program at UNC-CH. This program will be held on March 24th, from 1-4:30pm at the Carolina Club, Alumni Hall and is open to parents and students. The Keynote speaker is Jonathan Mooney, one of the authors of Learning Outside the Lines. Mooney, an honors graduate with dyslexia from Brown University, will offer students with LD/ADHD tools for educational achievement. I have read and loved this book. This seems like a great opportunity. For more information, visit www.unc.edu/asp or call 962-7227.
CFS COMMUNITY READ: CONFESSIONS OF AN ECO-SINNER: Tracking Down the Sources of my Stuff.
The next book discussion will be held this Thursday from 7-8:30 at the Open Eye Cafe, Carrboro. The moderator will be our own Jon Lepofsky. According to folks who have read it, this book is eye-opening and a good read, even if you choose a few chapters.
Have a great week. Keep warm and dry. I'm off to a Footloose rehearsal!
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