At the end of a term, there are so many wonderful projects and activities to cover photographically. I have taken the chance of including lots of photos in this blog, hoping that they don't all land on top of one another. Starting at the bottom, I have included three photos of Catherine's amazing final project for Jamie's Dante class. The assignment was to create a visual expression of hell. Hopefully, you can see Catherine's complete project (center, I think!). She created 5 sections: The Selfish (depicted bottom left), The Traitorous, The Gluttonous (bottom right), The Wasteful, and The Murderous and Criminal. Catherine put a great deal of thought and time into this awesome project. Hopefully, you will see it in person at our Art Show in May.
Above Catherine's project, you will see two outdoor photos. Amelia's Sculpture classes studied the beautiful installations of Andy Goldsworthy, an artist who creates his works completely of and in nature. Amelia's classes were asked to do the same. I have included a fort that was built by Asher and Luis. You can also see one of Amelia's classes as they view an installation that was created in the stream.
Susan and Jonathan McGovern have been co-teaching a class on Immigration. Jonathan has been covering the myths of immigration with their students. For their final project, students were divided into groups. Each group researched one myth and developed a presentation to the class that included an interactive activity, a visual aid, and written responses to questions. The group included above researched America's refugee policies as they learned about the following myth: The United States has a generous refugee policy. Meanwhile, Susan is also co-teaching the Capstone class with Jon. Each Capstone class chooses a service project, and this group is raising money for Father Tony's Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry in Newton Grove. They created this great poster that includes The Reality, The Call to Action, and The Dream. As I write this blog on Sunday afternoon, this class is out on 9th Street, educating people and raising money for Father Tony's work. At the very top of this week's blog, I included shots of Gus teaching Geometry and Guillermo with some of his fans.
The Capstone class has planned another fundraiser for this week--Bear Night! This evening promises to be a great end-of-winter-term celebration. From 7-9pm, students will play Bear (a game brought to us by former CFS parent and DES Head Teacher Cesanne Berry)--a wild and exciting game that is played in the dark. After Bear, Jon and Susan's class has other games in store for the group. The cost for participating in these games is $5. Bear Night always provides our students with an evening of good old fashioned fun.
As we near the end of the term, our schedule will change from day to day:
Thursday, February 12 Last day of winter term and Bear Night
Friday, February 13 Staff Workday for writing reports
Monday, February 16 Spring Symposium (Regular school hours for students.)
Tuesday, February 17 Advisee Day (Each group has a different plan.)
Wednesday, February 18 Staff Workday to plan for spring term classes
Thurs/Fri, February 19/20 Student-led parent conferences
Monday, February 23 First day of spring term
Please enjoy this poem by ee cummings: i thank You God for most this amazing
i thank You God for most this amazing
i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any-lifted from the no
of all nothing-human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
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