What a beautiful fall weekend! Our little Annabelle (grandchild #4) has been due any minute for over a week now. Still no Annabelle! If she doesn't arrive Sunday, they plan to induce first thing Monday morning. Monday is also our son Sam's birthday, so we think October the 6th would be just fine. As for the photos above, you can see our intern Alicia with senior Jasmine. Alicia has just completed her first full month with us, and she's doing great. She plans to join Susan and her Civil Rights class on a trip to Selma, Alabama, later this month. You can see Frances and her Gardening class preparing the soil for bulb planting, and generally cleaning up an area that had become pretty run down. As is often the case in this blog, you can see a couple of students relaxing on the big US steps.
I included a picture of Bob Druhan teaching his 6th period Advanced Chemistry class. The picture of Bob's students was taken Friday afternoon, the last period of the day. Are they so happy because they are excited about Advanced Chemistry...or because their weekend is about to begin?? Bob also teaches an Astronomy class this fall. Last Thursday, following our Back to School Night, Bob led an Astronomy Night with his class. What a perfect night for star gazing--clear and cool. Bob's students have been studying the Milky Way, and Bob knew they would have a good view on Thursday night. The last time I had an Astronomy lesson with Bob, we were on the tiny island of Vieques, off of Puerto Rico, on an End of Year experience. On a beach on Vieques or on the CFS baseball field, Bob's Astronomy lessons are always engaging.
Our students have a short week ahead. We have a noon dismissal on Thursday for staff development: the Pu Pu Platter of Technology. Friday is a day off for our fall weekend, which I hope you will all enjoy. On Monday, representatives of the Clerks Committee (our form of student government) will be explaining a new addition to the US Driving Policy to our community at group collection. Members of Clerks have been discussing this new proposal for a couple of weeks, and a representative came to staff meeting last week to present it to the staff and answer any questions. Thanks to the mature, comprehensive, and thoughtful manner with which our students handled these discussions and to the professional presentation to staff by senior Josh Whitney, the staff approved this new proposal, which will only affect juniors and seniors. The new piece of the driving policy is as follows:
"Juniors and seniors who have their after-nine license may drive off campus during lunch or free periods, with a maximum of one passenger. Passengers must be a junior or senior as well, with parental permission. No exceptions for any 9th or 10th grader, or siblings. Parents have the option to specify drivers with whom their student can ride." To be clear, both the driver and the passenger must have parental permission. Students have created a new form for parents to complete and sign. Parents of juniors and seniors can be on the lookout for this new form.
On Tuesday, we welcome senior parents to a potluck dinner, from 6:00-7:30pm in the Meeting Hall. At this informal gathering, parents will be talking about many issues that relate to being the parent of a senior in high school. Elise will be on hand to answer college-related questions. Next week, October 15th, is Junior Night, for juniors and their parents. The PSAT will be given on the morning of the 15th. All juniors should be signed up to take the PSAT. ($20)
If you haven't already scheduled your parent-teacher conference, you should be hearing from your child's advisor soon. Until then, please continue to enjoy this beautiful fall weather. Next week, I hope to include a picture of our new little Annabelle!
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