As many of you know, Father Tony's visit was a huge success. We had a lovely potluck dinner with many parents and students. Father Tony spoke to the group through Rob LaVelle's able translation and touched the hearts of all who were in attendance. Last night, the Cabaret was a rousing, fun-filled evening. So much wonderful talent, from Marley's hooping, to the Quaker N'Oats, to student bands, staff and parent musicians, and many amazing desserts. Thanks to all of you who contributed talent, baked goods, and/or money to this event. Our End of Year service projects will benefit from your thoughtful gifts.
Before moving ahead to this week's upcoming events, I want to be sure to include the following note from school parent, Patsy Saylor:
As an "old timer" parent, as in this is my 16th year as a CFS parent, I didn't think I would learn anything new at last night's Parent Forum about "Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll." Surprise! There are still tips and information I haven't come across yet! Mindy Oshrain came armed with new data, book suggestions, and strategies that sparked great conversation between parents of freshmen through seniors. It was invaluable stuff. The parents who were there were fortunate to be part of it, however, there weren't a lot of us there. It's not the first Parent Forum or program (Parents Go To School, Emmett Till, Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet, for example) I've attended in the last few years that was really, really worthwhile and I left wondering "Where is everybody? This a great stuff!" So I'm writing to ask where are you and what would make it easier to attend? Are you getting the word, is there a better time? Please give us some feedback. Planning, staff time, and, on occasion, school funds are going into these programs. But, beyond that, there is valuable information your children need to have.
If you would like to respond to Patsy's querie, you may add a comment to this blog or write directly to Patsy at plsaylor at yahoo.com.
Compared to last week, which was full of evening meetings, next week looks calm. Of course, I know that life is never exactly calm in the Upper School. The spring weather that we are expecting on Monday and Tuesday will make sure of that. I do want to remind all of you of the upcoming events related to the Community Read (Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle). On Sunday, March 9 at 4pm in the US Meeting Hall, there will be a screening of King Corn, an amusing new documentary about two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation. The film will be engaging for ages 10 and up. Refreshments will be served.
Compared to last week, which was full of evening meetings, next week looks calm. Of course, I know that life is never exactly calm in the Upper School. The spring weather that we are expecting on Monday and Tuesday will make sure of that. I do want to remind all of you of the upcoming events related to the Community Read (Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle). On Sunday, March 9 at 4pm in the US Meeting Hall, there will be a screening of King Corn, an amusing new documentary about two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation. The film will be engaging for ages 10 and up. Refreshments will be served.
Looking ahead to April 5-6, we will have the Woodcrest Farm School Family Days. Learn heritage farm skills in the setting of a turn-of-the-century working family farm. Activities will include farm animals, hayrides, demonstrations, farm chores and more.
FRESHMAN PARENTS: I hope you have heard about the freshman parent potluck on Wednesday, March 12 at 6pm in the Meeting Hall. Lauren Jubelirer has organized this time for parents to get to know one another and to continue the "Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll" discussion. You can also mark your calendars for a freshman parent meeting on Tuesday, March 18, with Susan and Tim about the freshman trip to Newton Grove. (7-8pm)
Only 3 weeks until spring break!
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