This will be a very full week for Upper School staff members. They have been busy grading tests, reading papers, evaluating final projects, and writing End-of-Term reports. With a very short amount of time to accomplish this task, Jon Lepofsky provides the perfect photographic example. He sits with his computer in his lap, paper and grade book close by, and stacks of papers waiting to be read.
Our spring symposium is Monday, with the theme of Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll. The following staff members will be present: Carrie, Bob, Willy, Jon, Elise, Dylan, Sherri, and Liam. Former parent, Duke professor, and author of Buzzed, Cindy Kuhn, and her drug education students will make 2 presentations about the dangers of drug and alcohol use; one to the freshmen and sophomores, and one to the juniors and seniors. During our second hour, we will be divided by grade and by gender to discuss relationships. The boys will write questions for the girls, and visa versa. Each grade will then gather to share questions and answer them. Basically, this is a time for students to talk openly about relationships, expectations, confusions, and concerns. During our third hour of the morning, our tech director, Sharon Guillory, and MS teacher, Matthew Ross, will do a presentation on Internet Safety.
Following an information-filled morning, we will have a cookout lunch and enjoy entertainment provided by our US bands and the Quaker N'Oats. Hamburgers and veggie burgers are $1/each. For the afternoon, students have planned fun, community-building activities. We will begin with an all-US game of capture the flag, which will cover the entire campus. This game will be followed by an interesting rendition of Amoeba, which will be played in advisee groups. We will conclude the day with clean-up!
Tuesday is Advisee Day. During this day, advisors work with their advisees to help them plan for their student-led parent conferences. Students will receive and go over their End-of-Term reports. They will also write mid-year self-evaluations. Each group is planning this day differently, with some groups remaining on campus and others heading off campus for a variety of activities.
Wednesday is a very important staff workday. As you can imagine, staff members have their hands full with ending the term, writing reports, and participating in an advisee day. Wednesday's workday allows staff members to time to focus on their spring term classes, which will begin on Monday, February 25. On Thursday and Friday, we will welcome parents to the US for student-led conferences. Please stop by the old building (log cabin) to see a display of student projects.
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