Our swim team is one of our most endearing and unique CFS sports teams. We may not be the best in the state when it comes to shortest lap times, but I challenge any other team to top our team in the area of caring and supportive athletes who are trying their hardest to shave a few seconds off their time. They are one special group! Congratulations to senior Nick Lent who earned all-conference recognition by finishing first in the 50-yard and 100-yard freestyle events in the conference championship meet. The swim team will travel to the state meet on Monday. Best of luck to our swimmers! (In case you are wondering about these pictures...Some of the players are throwing their coach into the pool.)

On the last day of winter term classes, I was able to join Philip's Urban Design class for their final project presentations. The students were challenged to identify a problem and find an architectural solution. For example, how do you design a school from the inside--out? How do you make the drive around town more interesting? How can you work with nature, rather than destroying nature? I have included here some photos of students making their presentations. Emma designed a kitchen. Alexa created waterways in Chapel Hill to replace the main roads. Asante shared a small village that was a "welcoming and inviting place." In designing her tree house, Jessie wanted to work "in partnership with nature." As you can see, Philip's students created a variety of amazing designs and examples of deep thought. Bravo!
SPRING SYMPOSIUMThe theme for Monday's symposium is
Body Care: Adolescent Health and Wellness. We will be showing the film,
Miss Representation. If you haven't seen it, check out the trailer on youtube. According to the DVD cover, "
Miss Representation uncovers a glaring reality we live with every day but fail to see. The film explores how mainstream media contributes to the under-representation of women in influential positions in America and challenges the media's limiting and often disparaging portrayals of women, which make it difficult for the average girl to see herself as powerful." Our workshops during the morning sessions include Body Image, Teens and the Law, Planned Parenthood, Eating Disorders, The Realities of Drug Use, and The Four B's (birth control, birth, babies, and breastfeeding). Following a
potluck lunch, all of our students will be involved in physical activities, including Capture the Flag, Yoga, massage, Dodgeball, and fun physical games.