MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! Our first ever DANCING WITH THE STARS will be held in the Center on Saturday, February 4th at 7:30pm. The "professionals" are Annie's advanced dancers who are choreographing the dances. Our STARS are CFS staff members. In the pictures below, you can see Anthony, Willy, and Jim Henderson learning some new steps. Anthony looks very serious as he learns the waltz from Kyle and Celeste. Willy will be hip hopping with Jolene and Audrey, while Jim is doing an old soft shoe with Jessica and Erin. Our judges, techies, and emcees are also made up of staff/student combinations. You do not want to miss this family-friendly fundraiser for our End-of-Year program.

We are still basking in our memories of a wonderful visit with Joan Mulholland, former Freedom Rider, Kashif Powell and Doug Bynum,
Parchman Hour actors. Following the MLK Jr. Day celebration some of our staff and students enjoyed lunch and a most interesting discussion with our guests.
BASKETBALLAre you looking for cheap entertainment? Come on out to CFS Friday night for some exciting basketball! Starting at 4pm, the boys JV team will play Westchester, followed by girls Varsity at 5:30, and boys Varsity at 7:00. Last Friday, we had a great crowd at Lower School night. Let's see if we can get an even bigger crowd this week to cheer for our teams.
GALAPAGOS MOVIE NIGHTThe Galapagos Islands EOY trip is sponsoring the first of 2 movie night fundraisers this Friday following the home basketball games. The Varsity boys team plays at 7pm. I'm guessing the movie will start at 8:45-9:00. Movie title and entrance fee will be announced to students on Monday.
TEACHER ASSESSMENTSOur Student Ambassadors class orchestrated a written teacher assessment by students this past week. Each one of our students completed a written evaluation of every teacher. The evaluations cover Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, Evaluation and Assessment. I am now in the midst of reading through every evaluation as I prepare to pass them on to the teachers. We so appreciate the seriousness and thoughtfulness that our students put into these evaluations AND the willingness of our teachers to be open to student feedback. Student empowerment is an important part of our educational process.