Eighteen students in Jonathan's Samba class, including math teacher Gustavo. What fun!

Does this look like the volleyball team to you? I hope not! As I do not yet have a photo of any of our current sports teams, I am including a shot from our staff-student volleyball game a couple of years ago. This is our amazing staff volleyball team who gave our girls a run for their money. This photo is just meant to remind you of SPIRIT WEEK and especially our CFS FALL SPORTS DAY on Tuesday. More to come about these fun events.

Our art teacher Amelia spent time this summer rethinking and redesigning the art studio. We are thrilled with the results. Amelia got rid of heavy tables, which didn't allow for much flexibility, in exchange for new wonderful easels. As you can see, students in her Drawing and Mixed Media class are putting these easels to good use. We love the sunny, open space.

As usual, I am never exactly sure in which order photos will eventually fall. Therefore, in no exact order, you should see Bob discussing the properties of matter with his Chemistry students, Ken enjoying a good laugh with a French class, and Jon enjoying a moment outside with his Foundations of Literature freshmen.
SPIRIT WEEKIn light of Tuesday's Sports Celebration (see below), some of our seniors have planned a series of events that will make up our first Spirit Week of the year. They have created a theme for each day, and we are asked to dress appropriately. Monday is Decades Day. (Dress in the style of your favorite decade. I was a teenager during the 60's. Need I say more?) Tuesday is School/Team Spirit Day. (Show some spirit for your favorite team.) Wednesday is Twin Day. (Find a partner or 2 or 3 and dress alike.) Thursday is Dress like a Teacher/Student Day, and Friday is Gender Bender Day. (Dress like the gender of your choice.)
CFS FALL SPORTS DAY TUESDAY 4-7pmCome celebrate CFS sports on Tuesday by cheering one or more of our teams. The MS cross-country team will host a meet at 4:30. Both volleyball teams have a match: JV at 4:00 and Varsity at 5:15. The Varsity soccer team will play at 4:30. The Only Burger and Pie Pushers trucks will be on campus, selling burgers and pizza. (Only Burger makes a delicious veggie burger!) Complimentary lemonade and cookies will also be available. As we were rained out of our all-family picnic in August, Tuesday's celebration offers a great opportunity for the CFS community to come together. Families and friends are all welcome.
PORTFOLIO EXHIBIT at BULL CITY CRAFT FRIDAY 5-8pmAmelia's 9 Portfolio students have been invited to display their work at Bull City Craft in Durham. Their show will be up for one month. As you can imagine, being asked to organize a show so close to the start of school has been quite exciting and possibly a little stressful. We are thrilled for Amelia and her talented artists. We are all invited to attend the opening on Friday evening, from 5-8pm. (Bull City Craft is located at 2501 University Dr., near the Thai Cafe and Nana's restaurant.)
DRIVER EDUCATIONWe finally received information about Driver Education classes, which are offered by the Durham Public School System. Students must be 14 1/2 years old. The first class begins on October 3rd at Durham Academy. The cost is $45. In order to register online, go to the Durham Public School web page (www.dpsnc.net). Click on "SERVICES." Scroll down to and click on "DRIVER EDUCATION." Look for "Pay for your driver education fee on-line." (http://osp.osmsinc.com/durhamnc) Click on Driver Education Sites and choose the school you want for the classroom. (Durham Academy) You must sign up for an account to be able to pay online for a class. There are no refunds. If you have questions, please contact Willy Rotella at x-226.
FARMWORKER FESTIVAL SUNDAY NEWTON GROVEFather Tony and the Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry will host their annual Farmworker Festival next Sunday in Newton Grove. As we have done for the past six years, we plan to take a group of Upper School students to this event who will volunteer for Father Tony AND play a rousing game of soccer at 1:00. We have formed a strong and important partnership with Father Tony and his ministry, taking our freshmen to Newton Grove every spring for their End-of-Year experience. All are welcome to play soccer. No experience is necessary. This annual festival is a great event for families to attend as well.