As we enter the final week of the winter term in the Upper School, I have been attending performances of all shapes and sizes. Cheap entertainment! I haven't spent a penny, and I have cheered as the boy's basketball team came from behind to win in the last second, listened as Senior Seminar students defended their final papers before a panel of adults, laughed as our mighty Improv Players strutted their very comical, hilarious, and sometimes absurd talents, and sighed at two separate performances of Alice in Wonderland--the CFS MS production and our very own senior Catherine dancing as Alice in the ballet. Wow! What a week!

Senior Miles Bonsignore was this year's teacher of our Advanced Improv class. Although supervised by Guillermo, Miles clearly runs the show (with Guillermo's adamant permission!). His players were well rehearsed and ready to entertain their audiences. Thank you, Miles, for leading this group to such positive results.

This year's theme for Senior Seminar was Manifestations of Power. During this week, each member of the class will spend an hour defending their final paper before a panel of 4 adults: Jamie, Elise, and 2 invited panelists. Here, you can see Emma explaining a point, and Eric facing a large group of observers.

As we near the end of the basketball season, I wanted to include some shots of senior night. Coach David Vernon is congratulating his 2 seniors, Desmond and Khalid. Although the girls don't have any seniors on their team, they remain undefeated in their conference and will most certainly vie for the title as state champs. Best of luck to both of these teams as they move toward the conference and state tournaments!

SPRING SYMPOSIUMFollowing the last day of the winter term (Thursday) and a staff workday (Friday), we will return next Monday for our Spring Symposium. The theme for this symposium is
The Brain. We will begin our morning with a plenary session with Dr. Cindy Kuhn, Duke professor and author of
Buzzed, an informational book on a variety of drugs. Cindy will talk with our students about drug use and the adolescent brain. Morning workshops will include some of the following topics: diet and the brain, left brain/right brain, creativity, meditation and the brain, mathematical theorems, origins of mental illness, the brain/body connection, and yoga and the brain. After a potluck lunch, we will have brain-related movies available for viewing (A Beautiful Mind, Temple Grandin, for example.) and physical activities in the gym. We are looking forward to a great educational and community-building day.