According to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve. You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."
Monday and Tuesday of this week, our US students are all involved in service. The pictures in today's blog highlight some of the students who are working on campus. Students always look forward to our service days, yet we often have to remind them that service isn't always exciting...it is often mundane while at the same time important and necessary. Here you can see Bob with a group of hard working guys who are mulching the bank that runs the length of both soccer fields. I included a group of shots to give you an idea of the scope of their job.
Below, you can also see some of our techies taking lights down in preparation for the dance concert...and a full year of using the lights in the center. One of the dance groups is working on some lifts in their dance. A group is cleaning and drying out all of the yoga mats while another group is rebuilding the deck to the Music Hut.

Hopefully, I will get some pictures from the off-campus groups so I can share them with you. We have groups at the Food Bank, the Lemur Center, NC Land Trustees, Tiger Rescue Center, the NC Museum of Life and Science, and Caring House.
WEDNESDAY'S SCHEDULEAs you know, we will have a noon dismissal on Wednesday. Our plans for the morning include students attending their 7th period class from 8:30-9:45. Following a short break, we will all view the documentary
Freedom Riders: Could You Get on the Bus? According to the DVD cover, "Veteran filmmaker Stanley Nelson's inspirational documentary is the first feature-length film about this courageous band of civil-rights activists." We are watching this video in preparation for our Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration in January. Joan Mulholland (one of the Freedom Riders) will be with US students before the celebration and then speaking at the celebration. Joan's visit offers an amazing opportunity for our students. I want them to be well prepared and knowledgeable about this important time in our history.
More to come about service...