Every Wednesday afternoon, we have a 25-30-minute silent meeting. Every so often (about 3 times a year) and for different reasons, we have silent time. Silent time means that we must be on the US campus, but we can choose where we are and what we are doing as long as it is in silence. We can't do anything that creates noise (like play basketball) or that creates a distraction for others. Here, you can see the choices that some of our students and staff members made this week. Some are playing chess or observing a chess game, some are reading or studying, and others are just sitting outside enjoying one of our first spring-like days. Silence is an important part of our lives at CFS. I always find it a meaningful experience to share silence with teenagers, many of whom find the idea of stillness and silence challenging. When they actually settle into a centered, silent state, they find meaning for themselves.

Last week's PSA panel intoducing the Community Read was excellent, informative, and very thought provoking. Here, you can see moderator Susan Kincaid as she introduces Emily and AnnaLee, our student members of the panel. You are encouraged to take part in this community read by reading Paul Cuadros's book, A Home on the Field. Extra copies are available for borrowing in the Center.

Last week, Tim's physics class headed to Duke to see US parent and Duke professor Harold Barranger's physics demonstration labs. Our students were able to observe some labs and actively take part in others. Here, you can see them demonstrating a lab on angular momentum and torque.

This week, we welcome Andre Robert Lee to our campus. Andre will share his documentary film, The Prep School Negro, with the US community and 4th year MS students on Wednesday and then with the entire Carolina Friends School staff on Thursday for our staff development afternoon. On Wednesday evening at 7pm, there will be a public showing of the film follwed by a discussion with Andre in the Meeting Hall. When Andre was 14 years old, he received a full scholarship to attend one of the most prestigious prep schools in the country. In The Prep School Negro, Andre takes a journey back in time to revisit the events of his adolescence while also spending time with currect day prep school students of color and their classmates. We are very excited about this great opportunity to see Andre's film and to enter into important discussions about race, class, diversity, and inclusivity. We hope to see many of you on Wednesday night in the Meeting Hall.
Our girls soccer team will play Westchester at home on Monday at 4:00. What a great way to celebrate spring! Come out to the soccer field to cheer for our girls.
The date for our junior retreat has been moved from March 30 to April 13. We had mistakenly scheduled this important occasion on the second evening of Passover. The juniors and 4 staff members will leave school at 4:00 on Tuesday, April 13, and return by noon on Wednesday. They will stay at the Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Center in Reidsville. This retreat offers the junior class a time to think ahead to their senior year. How do they want to lead as a senior class? What personal contributions do they plan to make? What are their hopes and dreams for life after CFS?
Please be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, March 27 at 7:30pm in the Center. Our annual Cabaret is our one big fundraiser for our End-of-Year service projects. This year, we will have service groups in Trinidad, Nicaragua, and Newton Grove. This is a family-friendly event. Desserts and beverages will be available for purchase. Learn about our End-of-Year program and enjoy the talent!
Thursday, March 18 at 7:30pm in the Meeting Hall. All are welcome!
Thursday, April 22 at 7:30pm, Elise is hosting this evening for any interested CFS parents. Dr. Steve Brooks, Executive Director of the NC State Education Assistance Authority will present on how to plan for, save for, and pay for college. This program is suitable for parents of children of ALL ages. US Meeting Hall.