Congratulations to the cast and crew of
Lysistrata on a great production. Above, you can see the women of Greece pouring cold water on the men. Below, Lysistrata (played by Tasha) is explaining her plan to the women. Meanwhile, the men look concerned. Bravo to everyone who took part in this play. Special thanks to CFS alum Leah Wilks who assisted Susan and the cast with movement, physicality, warm-ups, and general enthusiastic support.

It's hard to believe that we are entering the final week of the fall term. Amazing! We have already made the switch from fall to winter sports. The basketball teams are preparing for their opening home games on November 15th and then a tournament in Asheville on the 19th. Our seniors are busy with college applications. Some of them applied early decision with a November 1 deadline. I am happy to announce our Governor's School nominees for this year: Owen, Xixi, Jessye, and Emily. Governor's School is a statewide summer residential program for academically or intellectually gifted high school students. Congratulations to these fine students!
BOOK FAIRWe hope you can find time to come to the Regulator Book Shop on Friday between 6-8pm to enjoy the Upper School "reading." This evening always proves to be a lively and entertaining event. In addition to student readings, we will also have performances by the Quaker N'Oats, senior Reut Ringel, our senior jazz trio, and Old 86. Come out, support the Book Fair AND join in a great community event.
ALL-SCHOOL MEETING FOR WORSHIPThis Wednesday, the entire CFS community will gather in the gym for an all-school meeting for worship. With candles at our center, the Lower School students are surrounded by Middle School and finally Upper School. Two US students bring microphones to those who are moved to speak so that we can all hear the messages. It's not easy to get everyone together at once, but we have agreed that it feels important to remind ourselves that we are all a part of a wider community.
WINTER TERM BAGEL/PIZZA ORDER FORMS ARE DUE TO WILLY BY THURSDAYI hope you all enjoy what looks to be a beautiful-fall-weather week. Remember that Friday is a staff workday. Time for the kids to catch up on their sleep. Enjoy!