Artist extraordinaire...Hannah at work.
Monday, April 27, is Advisee Day in the Upper School. Advisee groups have planned a variety of activities that include trips to the beach, Bald Head Island, and Adventure Landing. We will not have classes on Monday. All groups will be off campus. Classes will resume on Tuesday.
2009-2010 CLASSES
Next Friday, May 1, we will begin registering for fall term classes for next year. We will send students home with our new class schedule. Course description books will be available by request. We have some new and exciting classes that you might want to check out: Bryce's Roman World, Gus's Brasilian Culture, Shane and I will co-teach a class on Hitchcock, Susan's Women Authors of the 1950's, Susan's Feminism is not a 4-letter word (women authors of the 1970's), Susan's Newton Grove Documentary, Jamie's History of Romance, and Tim's Homosexualtiy and Religion. I am very excited about our course offerings for next year.
Just a reminder that the final performances of FOOTLOOSE will be presented this weekend. Congratulations to our cast, crew, and band who are all looking forward to getting some badly needed sleep. As I look out my window at the vibrant shades of green that have filled in winter's spaces, I thought I might include Carl Sandburg's Spring Grass...
Spring grass, there is a dance to be danced for you.
Come up, spring grass, if only for young feet.
Come up, spring grass, young feet ask you.
Smell of the young spring grass,
You're a mascot riding on the wind horses.
You came to my nose and spiffed me. This is your lucky year.
Young spring grass just after the winter,
Shoots of the big green whisper of the year,
Come up, if only for young feet.
come up, young feet ask you.
Enjoy the green!