Word has it that the first-ever Man Over was a great success! As I was not invited, I shot these photos the next morning. Eric is still sound asleep while Ben is vacuuming the Meeting Hall. Meet new student, Michael Rozier. Our fearless chaperones, Dave and Tim, are seen alive and well the next day! The boys played video games for a couple of hours, then headed to the gym for 2 hours of ball sports, then back to the video games. According to Dave, things were quiet by around 1:00am. They all made it to homeroom the next morning...and to 1st period on time!
Since half of last week was spent on vacation, I have included a shot of our family soccer game. Thanksgiving was such a beautiful day that we came out to school and had a rousing game of soccer. The oldest player was my husband Greg at 61 and the youngest was our grandson Oliver at 5. The woman in the yellow sweater is my mom who came up from Florida. She wore her winter coat most of the week!
We will hit the ground running in the Upper School when we return from Thanksgiving vacation. This week, we will welcome 4th year Middle Schoolers and their parents for Risers' Night on Thursday, from 7:00-8:30. The Quaker N'Oats will be singing. There is also a home basketball game that night. Next Sunday is the CFS Visitors Day, from 2:00-4:00. The Upper School will offer a formal presentation at 2:30 in the Meeting Hall, with the QN's singing once again.
We have begun planning for our Winter Service Days on Wednesday and Thursday, December 17 & 18. During those days, all US staff and students will be working out in the community. More to come about these important days as we solidify our plans.
Sometime this week, students will be hearing about our End-of-Year Program offerings for this year. The freshman class will be the fifth group to go to Newton Grove to work with the Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry. Off-Campus experiences will include trips to Costa Rica, Lithuania, Utah & Colorado, Trinidad, the Adirondacks, and a Civil Rights trip to Selma, Montgomery, and Atlanta. Locally, we will offer an experience called Triangle Outdoors and a local service group that will work with Welcome Baby. On campus, we will have a group working on the Senior Banquet and Slide Show. In addition to experiences that are offered by our staff, students have the option of planning an internship for themselves. More specific information about all of these opportunities will be given to students in writing. They will sign up for their End-of-Year experience next week.
Have a great week!